Our Mission

The RCMAR program supports behavioral and social research on aging, health disparities in older adults, and Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease–Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) through the development of research infrastructure and the mentorship of early career scientists from diverse backgrounds, including, but not limited to, individuals from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral research, individuals with disabilities, and women.

The primary responsibilities of the RCMAR National Coordinating Center (NCC) are as follows: coordinate and provide logistical support to RCMAR Centers; facilitate cooperation and collaboration across RCMAR Centers; create and maintain an interactive RCMAR NCC website; identify and share resources and materials for research and training; provide support, technical assistance, and resources to early career investigators; and perform program analysis and evaluation. Additionally, the NCC will develop and implement strategies to (1) enhance the visibility of the RCMAR program and behavioral and social research on aging and AD/ADRD as a whole and (2) communicate the importance and value of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in the aging and AD/ADRD research community.

The RCMAR NCC co-functions with the National Institute on Aging (NIA) as part of a U24 cooperative agreement and provides opportunities for collaboration across all 18 RCMAR Centers.




Implement and expand new infrastructure to support the Centers, including an interactive website, robust community-wide online networking platform, tools to enhance collaboration, and resources supporting the creation of new scholarship and fostering culturally aware and responsive mentorship and career development.


Common Metrics

In partnership with NIA staff and the RCMAR community of participating institutions, scientists, trainees, staff, and partners, establish consensus on essential common evaluation metrics and implement a streamlined process for collecting data to support the evaluation of RCMAR Center activities, including research, collaboration, mentoring, networking, stakeholder engagement, and DEIA.


Develop Tools

Develop new tools and leverage existing evidence-based tools to provide trainees, early career investigators, and mentors from diverse backgrounds with skills and technical support necessary to advance their professional growth and diversify the research workforce in the behavioral and social sciences to address minority aging, AD/ADRD, and/or health disparities in older adults.



Catalyze resource sharing between and among the RCMAR Centers and cultivate sustainable engagement with key stakeholders including Minority serving institutions (MSIs); Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), and other academic institutions serving predominately racially minoritized students and groups); all NIA research Centers; the aging research community; and the public.



Enhance the prominence of the RCMAR program and behavioral and social research on aging and AD/ADRD throughout and beyond the aging field. Foster reverence for the value of DEIA in the aging research enterprise by broadly elevating and disseminating the activities and findings of the Centers and their scientists in academic and public venues.

For more information, please review the RCMAR VI Notice of Funding Opportunity.