Category: News

  • Scientist Highlight: Nazleen H. Bharmal (CHIME)



    Scientist Highlight: Nazleen H. Bharmal (CHIME)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Nazleen H. Bharmal, MD, PhD, MPP, who became a Center for Health Improvement of Minority Elderly (CHIME) RCMAR Scientist in 2013. Dr. Bharmal is interested in stroke-risk reduction interventions administered through community-based organizations that provide healthcare enrollment, health-system navigation and health education and advocacy programs for low-income, often undocumented, South…

  • RCMAR Webinar Recording (June 11th): Best Practices for Using and Obtaining Diversity Supplements


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    RCMAR Webinar Recording (June 11th): Best Practices for Using and Obtaining Diversity Supplements

    NIA’s Diversity Supplement program supports the development of eligible trainee-candidates who seek independent careers in aging and geriatrics research and meet NIA’s goal to enhance diversity in the biomedical workforce. On June 11th, Dr. Maria G. Carranza presented best practices for application preparation and submission, and discussed review and funding policies. View webinar recording

  • Scientist Highlight: Joaquin A. Anguera (CADC)



    Scientist Highlight: Joaquin A. Anguera (CADC)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Joaquin A. Anguera, PhD, who became a Center for Aging in Diverse Communities (CADC) RCMAR Scientist in 2014. The body of research Dr. Anguera developed during his graduate and postdoctoral training focused on characterizing & augmenting aspects of cognitive control & skill acquisition using behavioral and neuroimaging technologies. Creating…

  • Scientist Highlight: Edna Brown (MCUAAAR)



    Scientist Highlight: Edna Brown (MCUAAAR)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Edna Brown, PhD, who became a Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research (MCUAAAR) scientist in 2003. Dr. Brown’s current research collaborations address health and mental health disparities among older adults in urban multiethnic, multicultural communities. Her research objective is to understand the contextual factors that influence the…

  • Scientist Highlight: Hui-Chen Hsu (DEEP SOUTH)



    Scientist Highlight: Hui-Chen Hsu (DEEP SOUTH)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Hui-Chen Hsu, PhD, who became a Deep South Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (Deep South RCMAR) Scientist in 2007. Dr. Hsu is an Associate Professor of Medicine who studies the regulation of multiple types of immune cells in both humans and mice. She has had a long history…

  • (RCMAR Webinar Recording) Imposter Thoughts: Let’s Talk About Them



    (RCMAR Webinar Recording) Imposter Thoughts: Let’s Talk About Them

    On May 14th, Drs. Ericka Boone and Roland J. Thorpe, Jr. presented their perspectives on imposter syndrome, including how systemic/structural issues play a role in impostor thoughts. RCMAR scientists, Drs. Brandon Brown and Mirella Diaz-Santos served as panelists, sharing their experiences with imposter syndrome. Watch the webinar recording

  • Scientist Highlight: Travonia Brown-Hughes (JH AD)



    Scientist Highlight: Travonia Brown-Hughes (JH AD)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Travonia Brown-Hughes, PhD, who became a Johns Hopkins Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (JH AD) RCMAR Scientist in 2018. Dr. Brown-Hughes’ research interests are grounded in the study of aging, care transitions, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia care. She has been active in the development and facilitation of…

  • Scientist Highlight: Priscilla Vásquez Guevara (SD RCMAR)



    Scientist Highlight: Priscilla Vásquez Guevara (SD RCMAR)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Priscilla Vásquez Guevara, PhD, who became a San Diego Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (SD RCMAR) Center in 2018. Her research focuses on physical activity, cardiovascular health, and brain health in underrepresented populations, namely in middle-aged and older Latina/o adults. Dr. Vásquez Guevara has experience in community-based…