Scientist Highlight: Juan Lopez-Alvarenga, MD, DSc (AD-UTRGV)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Juan Lopez-Alvarenga, MD, DSc, who became an AD University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) RCMAR Scientist in 2019. Dr. Lopez-Alvarenga’s research focus is on complex diseases such as diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance. Dr. Lopez-Alvarenga has significant experience in whole genome scanning approaches. He conducted genetic studies…
Scientist Highlight: Caroline S. Hartnett, PhD (CCADMR)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Caroline S. Hartnett, PhD, who became a Carolina Center on Alzheimer’s Disease and Minority Research (CCADMR) RCMAR Scientist in 2019. Dr. Hartnett is a Demographer and Sociologist studying fertility rates, childbearing desires, and family relationships, mainly in the U.S. Her current research investigates how social location and social relationships…
Scientist Highlight: Salim Hayek, MD (MCCFAD)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Salim Hayek, MD, who became a Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease (MCCFAD) RCMAR Scientist in 2019. Dr. Hayek is an expert in translational science, risk prediction, biomarkers, vascular function, stem cell therapy amongst other fields. His research focuses on finding novel strategies in identifying patients at…
Scientist Highlight: Sze-Chuan Suen, PhD (AD-USC)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Sze-Chuan Suen, PhD, who became a AD-USC Scientist in 2018. Dr. Suen is an Assistant Professor at the Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Southern California. Her research focuses on how to develop innovative models that adapt to changing demographic and secular…
Scientist Highlight: Salama Freed, PhD (CICADA)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Salama Freed, PhD, who became a CICADA Scientist in 2019. Her research highlights two intertwined investigational tracks focused on innovations in health care access and delivery: how vulnerable populations may be affected by disruptions in these innovations, and how these innovations may help to contain costs. Learn more about…
Scientist Highlight: Ashley Railey, PHD (AD-NAD)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Ashley Railey, PhD, who became an AD-NAD Scientist in 2019. Her research areas include health economics, development economics, and behavioral economics, with a focus in rural and indigenous populations. Learn more about Dr. Railey. Visit the Native Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research website.
Scientist Highlight: David S. Lopez, MS, MPH, DrPH (UTMB)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature David S. Lopez, MS, MPH, DrPH, who became a UTMB Scientist in 2019. His research focuses on cancer health disparities (risk, progression and survivorship of prostate cancer and hormone- and obesity-related cancers) and men’s health research (endogenous and exogenous testosterone, erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms). He also…
Scientist Highlight: Henry W. Young, II, MD, FACEP (UF-CAMPAS)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Henry W. Young, II, MD, FACEP, who became a UF-CAMPAS Scientist in 2018. His interests include pain management, opioid misuse, and resident education. Dr. Young currently serves as Assistant Program Director of the Emergency Medicine Residency at UF Health. Learn more about Dr. Young. Visit the University of Florida Center…