Category: Scientist Highlight

  • Scientist Highlight: May Guo, PhD (Asian RCMAR)


    Scientist Highlight: May Guo, PhD (Asian RCMAR)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature May Guo, PhD, who became an Asian RCMAR Scientist in 2019. Her work addresses the intersection between immigration and aging, examining the well-being of older immigrants in the changing family and neighborhood contexts. Her work covers a broad range of topics including acculturation, family norms, social support, coping, resilience,…

  • Scientist Highlight: Fatima Rodriguez, MD, MPH (SAGE)


    Scientist Highlight: Fatima Rodriguez, MD, MPH (SAGE)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Fatima Rodriguez, MD, MPH, who became a SAGE Scientist in 2018. Her research includes a range of topics relating to racial, ethnic, and gender disparities in cardiovascular disease prevention and developing novel interventions to address disparities. Learn more about Dr. Rodriguez. Visit the Stanford Aging and Ethnogeriatrics (SAGE)…

  • Scientist Highlight: Sarah Stotz, PhD, MS, RD, CDE (NERC RCMAR)


    Scientist Highlight: Sarah Stotz, PhD, MS, RD, CDE (NERC RCMAR)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Sarah Stotz, PhD, MS, RD, CDE, who became a Native Elder Research Center RCMAR Scientist in 2019.  Her research focuses on employing mixed-methods inquiry to understand and address food insecurity as it impacts chronic disease management among communities who experience chronic disease disparities. Learn more about Dr. Stotz. Visit the…

  • Scientist Highlight: Maria E. Garcia, MD, MPH, MAS (CADC RCMAR)


    Scientist Highlight: Maria E. Garcia, MD, MPH, MAS (CADC RCMAR)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Maria E. Garcia, MD, MPH, MAS, who became a Center for Aging in Diverse Communities RCMAR Scientist in 2018. Her research focuses on co-morbid mental health and chronic diseases and their disproportionate impact on vulnerable and marginalized populations. As an Assistant Professor in the Division of General Internal…

  • Scientist Highlight: Katrina R. Ellis, PhD, MPH, MSW (MCUAAAR RCMAR)


    Scientist Highlight: Katrina R. Ellis, PhD, MPH, MSW (MCUAAAR RCMAR)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Katrina R. Ellis, PhD, MPH, MSW, who became a Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research RCMAR Scientist in 2019. Her research interests include family health interventions, cancer survivorship, racial and ethnic disparities in health, and family management of chronic health conditions. An overarching goal of her…

  • Scientist Highlight: Shameka L. Cody, PhD, AGNP-C (Deep South RCMAR)


    Scientist Highlight: Shameka L. Cody, PhD, AGNP-C (Deep South RCMAR)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Shameka L. Cody, PhD, AGNP-C, who became a Deep South RCMAR Scientist in 2019. Her primary research focuses on the impact of racial and sleep health disparities among people with HIV. Dr. Cody is also working on several projects related to HIV and substance/opioid use in rural Alabama. Dr.…

  • Scientist Highlight: Vanya C. Jones, PhD (Johns Hopkins AD RCMAR)


    Scientist Highlight: Vanya C. Jones, PhD (Johns Hopkins AD RCMAR)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Vanya C. Jones, PhD, who became an Johns Hopkins Alzheimer’s Disease RCMAR Scientist in 2018. Her research agenda has focused on psychosocial and environmental factors and their impact on the burden of injuries among vulnerable populations. She investigates both intentional and unintentional injury risk factors, specifically those that increase risk…

  • Scientist Highlight: Tala Al-Rousan, MD, MPH (AD ARMS RCMAR)


    Scientist Highlight: Tala Al-Rousan, MD, MPH (AD ARMS RCMAR)

    In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Tala Al-Rousan, MD, MPH, who became an San Diego Center for advancing Alzheimer’s Research in Minority Seniors (ARMS) RCMAR Scientist in 2020. Her research focuses on designing evidence-based programmatic interventions and health policies that reduce health disparities centering a human-rights approach and using innovative technologies to promote health…