Texas Resource Center on Minority Aging Research (Texas RCMAR)

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Visit the Texas RCMAR website

The overall purpose of the Texas RCMAR is to enhance the diversity of the aging research work force by mentoring scientists from underrepresented populations to help them develop sustained careers in behavioral, social, economic, and medical research with a focus on minority populations, primarily Hispanics/Latinos in Texas, the Southwestern United States, and Mexico, as well as health disparities in general. Through our Leadership and Administrative Core (LAC), Analysis Core (AnC) and Research Education Component (REC), we will continue to leverage our national and international network of colleagues to develop infrastructure to promote advances in these areas and to increase the number of investigators in the area of health and aging of minority populations and health disparities. Our success in mentoring RCMAR Scientists into independent researchers will expand, with the addition of the University of Texas at San Antonio as a new partner, joining the University of Texas Medical Branch and the University of Texas at Austin in support of our theme of Migration, Aging, and Health.