RCMAR Scientists Present at AAIC

RCMAR Scientists Present at AAIC


Booth #1439
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RCMAR Scientists Present at AAIC

We are excited to announce that a few RCMAR Scientists who will present at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, AAIC, from July 28th to August 1st.  

Please make sure you attend the following presentations at AAIC! 

Poster Schedule:

Sunday, July 28th

Brent P. Forester MD, MSc

Chief and Chair of Psychiatry for Tufts Medicine, McLean Hospital

Poster #85641: ECT-AD: Study Design and Baseline Demographics of a Novel Treatment for Agitation and Aggression in Dementia

Christina E Miyawaki, PhD, MSW, MA

Associate Professor, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work


Poster #89591: Comparing Unmet Service Needs Between Rural and Urban Family Caregivers of People Living with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: A Multi-Site Qualitative Study


Poster #89634: Life Review Depression Intervention Conducted by Asian and White American Caregivers: A Mixed-Method Comparative Study

Monday, July 29th

Azizi Seixas, PhD

USC AD RCMAR Alum Scientist

Poster #681: Disparity in Resilience: The role of educational attainment and APOE ε4 in Alzheimer Disease in a Puerto Rican cohort 
Exploring Alzheimer’s disease progression through the lens of genetics and sleep disturbances

Christina E Miyawaki, PhD, MSW, MA

Associate Professor, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work


Poster #89591: Feasibility of Training Family Caregivers of People Living with Dementia Online to Deliver Life Review Depression Intervention at Home

Emily Waskow, BA


Poster #525: Understanding how false memories relate to daily life in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias

Jenna Groh, BA


Poster #403: Unique Pattern of White Matter Hyperintensities in Middle Age and Older Adults with History of Repetitive Head Impact Exposure

Jennifer Manly, PhD


Poster #91879: Public Health: Epidemiology 

Poster #700: Cognition Four Decades After High School: Does School Context Matter for Cognitive Disparities at Midlife?

Jesus D. Melgarejo

Assistant Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Poster #704: Association of Cognitive Function with Morality and Cardiovascular Risk

Joseph Sanez, PhD

USC AD RCMAR Alum Scientist

Poster #714: Low Food Security is Related with More Memory Complaints in a Clinic-Based Sample of Latino Adults 

Poster #715: Correlates of Cognitive SuperAging in the Mexican Health and Aging Study

Kendra Ray, PhD

New York University School of Medicine, MJHS Menorah Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing Care


Poster #4: Blooming in the Fog

Poster #619: Laugh with Me: A Case Study of Easing a Caregiver’s Burden through Music

Kendra Ray, PhD; Marion Kaiser, MS; Mary Mittelman, DrPH

Michael Bubu, MD, MPH, PhD


Poster #92620: Examination of Sex-dependent sleep disruptions and OSA severity on Limbic System Integrity in Community-Dwelling Cognitively Unimpaired Older Adult

Poster #95587: Assessing the impact of adequate OSA treatment on markers of sleepiness related to cognition and AD pathology among Black and Hispanic subjects.

Tuesday, July 30th

Azizi Seixas, PhD

USC AD RCMAR Alum Scientist

Poster #635: Understanding Willingness to Share SBEDOH Information: Cultural Sensitivity and Community Engagement in ADRD Research

Poster #710: Investigating Individual and Familial Stress on Alzheimer’s Disease among a Global Cohort of Non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanic/Latinos.

Katherine Turk, MD


Poster #667: An Interprofessional Team for Disease Modifying Therapy in Alzheimer’s Disease Implementation

Marianne Chanti- Ketterl, PhD, MSPH

USC AD RCMAR Alum Scientist

Poster #512: A machine learning approach to multifactorial modeling of episodic memory performance 

Michael Bubu, MD, MPH, PhD


Poster #87616: DTI and DKI differences in the fornix microstructure associated with sleep apnea in cognitively normal patients

Poster #92912: Differences between high-precision Alzheimer’s disease plasma and PET biomarkers among cognitively normal older Black and White adults

Poster #93553: Examining the Effect of Work-Life Imbalance on Cognitive Complaints

Mirella Diaz Santos, PhD

Assistant Professor In-Residence in the Department of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles


Poster #89532: Engaging and Recruiting Latino-led Community Organizations to Build Workforce Capacity in AD/Brain Health Prevention Research

Mirnova Ceide, MD. , MSc

Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Medicine


Poster #93149: The Strengthening, engaging, and empowering dyads through nutrition & wellness study: a dyadic community-based nutrition intervention for older adults with diabetes and cognitive impairment

Sadaf Arefi Milani, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch


Poster #709: Sex/Gender Differences in the Pattern of Comorbid Depressive Symptoms, Pain, and Sleep Problems among Older Mexican Americans With and Without Probable Dementia

Sarah Tom, PhD, MPH

CIRAD, Co-Lead Analysis Core

Poster #724: History of adverse pregnancy outcomes and cognitive decline among older adults: the Adult Changes in Thought study

Poster #725: The Relationship between Cancer Diagnosis Timing and Cognition in Older Adults in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Wednesday, July 31st

Azizi Seixas, PhD

USC AD RCMAR Alum Scientist

Poster #615: Breaking Barriers and Fostering Inclusion: The Success of the Culturally Attuned and Responsive Engagement (CARE) Model among Black Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and Africans in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Research

Eileen Crimmins, PhD


Poster #229: Lung Function and plasma biomarkers: Unraveling the interplay with AD/ADRD


Jesus D. Melgarejo

Assistant Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Poster #682: Sex-Differences in the Association of 24-h Blood Pressure Level and Variability with Subclinical Markers of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease

Julie Zissimopoulos, PhD, Mireille Jacobson, PhD, & Sidra Haye, PhD

USC AD RCMAR Directors & RCMAR Scientist

Poster #738 Changes to Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment and Dementia Diagnosis in Older Adults

Maria Aranda, PhD


Poster #709: A national intervention to increase representation of Latinos/Hispanics in clinical trials on dementia: A mixed-method evaluation

Michael Bubu, MD, MPH, PhD


Poster #85383: Association of Objective Sleep Measures and White Matter Limbic System Integrity in Community-Dwelling Cognitively Unimpaired Older Black and White Adults

Poster #89524: The effects of culturally adapted recruitment strategies for Black/ African Americans’ engagement with Alzheimer’s Disease Research in New York City

Mirella Diaz Santos, PhD

Assistant Professor In-Residence in the Department of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles


Poster #93016: Electronic Health Record-Embedded Dementia Screening Toolkit Tailored for Bilingual and Bicultural Needs

Shah, S., Islas Huerta, G., Wang, K., Wadhwa, S., Díaz-Santos, M., Vossel, K. and Chang, T.S. (2023)

Peter Lichtenberg, PhD, ABPP

Director, Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University


Poster #552: Early memory loss and financial capacity: A “Real World” assessment

Rodica Petrea, MD


Poster #653: TTR cardiac amyloidosis, polyneuropathy, and dementia at old age – bystander, cause or “smoking gun” guilty by association

Sidra Haye, PhD

2023/24 USC AD RCMAR Scientist

Poster #738: Changes to Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment and Dementia Diagnosis in Older Adults

Yeonsu Song, PhD, RN, FNP-C

Associate Professor, University of California Los Angeles


Poster #560: Feasibility of Using Smartphone-Based Cognitive Testing Among People Living with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

Moore RC, Kuehn K, Khullar D, Jantz C, Song JM, Padmanabham P, Mausbach B, Martin JL, Song Y

On Demand

Kristina Morreale, BA


Behavioral estimates of recognition memory in Veterans with mild TBI at risk of Neurodegeneration


Myna Chadalavada, BS


Health Outcomes of Transitional Space Design for Older Adults with Dementia

Michael Bubu, MD, MPH, PhD


Sex Specific Associations of BMI and Brain Regional Tau Deposition in a community-dwelling cognitively normal older adult sample

Presentation Schedule:

Monday, July 29th

Charles Windon, MD

Assistant Professor of Neurology, University of California San Francisco


Monday, July 29th | 9 – 10:30 AM ET 

2-18PER-C | Perspectives Session  | Nutter Theater – Pennsylvania Convention Center

The Continued Evolution Of Real-world Data Platforms To Investigate AD Diagnosis, Progression, Treatment, And Care

Speakers include Charles Windon, MD, Stephanie Alison Ward, BMed FRACP MPH, Maria Eriksdotter, MD, PhD, Atsushi Iwata, MD, PhD, Robert Perneczky, MD, and Linus Jönsson, MD, MSc, PhD

Wednesday, July 31st

Gladys Maestre, MD, PhD

Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Wednesday, July 31st | 8:10  AM | 4-6-FRS-D  | Nutter Theater – Pennsylvania Convention Center

Epidemiology-Psychological and social aspects II

Gladys Maestre, MD, PhD

Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Wednesday, July 31st | 8:10  AM  |  204 ABC  |  Pennsylvania Convention Center

Key issues in recruitment for minority aging research in humanitarian settings

Sidra Haye, PhD

2023/24 USC AD RCMAR Scientist

Wednesday, July 31st | 2:20 PM  |  4-27-FRS-C  |  Nutter Theater

From prioritization to care provision: Current directions in disease-modifying treatments

Julie Zissimopoulos, PhD, Mireille Jacobson, PhD, & Sidra Haye, PhD

USC AD RCMAR Directors & RCMAR Scientist

Wednesday, July 31st | 2:20 PM  | Nutter Theater – Pennsylvania Convention Center

Differences in Dementia Diagnosis Rates in Primary Care in Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage

Gladys Maestre, MD, PhD

Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Wednesday, July 31st | 5 PM  | 118 ABC   |   Pennsylvania Convention Center

Diversity considerations in implementing biomarkers in clinical practice

Thursday, August 1st

Michael Bubu, MD, MPH, PhD


Thursday, August 1, 2024 | 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM  | 585  | 
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Nutter Theater

Lightning Presentation Round #89524: The effects of culturally adapted recruitment strategies for Black/ African Americans’ engagement with Alzheimer’s Disease Research in New York City

See you at AAIC!

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