In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Helen C.S. Meier, PhD, MPH, who became a MCCFAD Scientist in 2021. Dr. Meier’s RCMAR pilot project is “Metals exposure and risk of cognitive decline and ADRD in the Sacramento Area Latino Study on Aging”. Dr. Meier’s research focuses on biosocial approaches to health inequalities and aging. She is an epidemiologist and uses a life course framework to understand the molecular pathways by which social and environmental exposures occurring throughout life get “under the skin” to affect adult and later life health. Dr. Meier is specifically interested in the biology of immune aging and immunological dysfunction as key factors in the aging process. Dr. Meier investigates health and health inequities using a multi-level approach from biomarkers to structural drivers.

Learn more about Dr. Meier.

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