RCMAR Scientists

Presentation Types


Works in Progress/ Short Focused Presentations

Scientists will have the opportunity to present their research in a condensed format. These presentations are a series of 5 minute oral presentations on the research. This research can be either completed work, or a work in progress. This session gives the scientists the opportunity to present their work in a compelling and concise format, emphasizing only the most important aspects of the research.  Important questions to focus on when you are formatting your data blitz:

  • What is the main focus of your research?
  • What are your outcomes or ideal outcomes?
  • Why is this research important?


Poster Presentation

Scientists are invited to present standard posters of their presentation. The printed poster should be smaller than the poster board which is approximately 4 feet in height and 8 feet wide.


Scientist Presentation

In this session scientists will present their research in a traditional research symposium format. Each scientist will each have 15 minutes to present their work, followed by a brief Q&A.

2025 RCMAR Annual Meeting

How to Register to Present

Interested in presenting your research at the 2025 RCMAR Annual Meeting?

Deadline to Register is January 31, 2025.

If you have any questions about presenting, please reach out to us at rcmarncc@nullgeron.org.