2024 RCMAR Annual Meeting

2024 RCMAR Annual Meeting

Transforming Diverse Aging Research through Inspiring and Mentoring Scientists 

Please see the following agenda for the 2024 RCMAR Annual Meeting. 

Looking for food options around the hotel? Click here to see the local dining spots near the hotel. 


June 26 – June 28, 2024 (all times Eastern)

Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington VA

1700 Richmond Hwy, Arlington, VA 22202

Sky View Terrace, Salon IV, V, and VI

Day 1 | Wednesday, June 26

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Sky View Terrace

Welcome Reception and Registration

Light refreshments will be available.

Day 2 | Thursday, June 27

7:30 AM – 7:50 AM

Salon IV


Breakfast will be available for all attendees.

7:55 AM – 8:00 AM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

RCMAR NCC Opening Remarks

Trish D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP RCMAR National Coordinating Center Contact PI, GSA


8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

Opening Plenary

Amy Kelley, MD, MSHS., Deputy Director, NIA

To view the slides from this presentation, please click this link


9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

Data Blitz:

Compressed format presentations by RCMAR Scientists.

Group 1:

Marianne Chanti-Ketterl, PhD, MSPH, Assistant Professor, Duke University – The EXPRESS Study: Studying Brain Health in Lumbee Tribe Territory

Janet Chu, MD, MPH, MAS, Assistant Professor, University of California San Francisco – Elucidating individual and neighborhood factors associated with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD)

Dana Alhasan, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte- Arab Americans Perception of their Neighborhood Environment in relation to Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Risk

Charles Windon, MD, Assistant Professor, University of California San Francisco- Residential Neighborhood Disadvantage and Amyloid Positivity: Findings from IDEAS

Tony Pham MD, MScGH, Psychiatrist, Massachusetts General Hospital – Culturally Adapting mindfulness based cognitive therapy for Black older adults with comorbid early cognitive decline and chronic pain: Preliminary Results from the Community Engagement Studio


Group 2 :

 Alexander Presciutti, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School – Development of a group lifestyle intervention for cardiac arrest survivors with subjective cognitive decline and their caregivers – Healthy Brains after Cardiac Arrest (HB-CA)

Shana Stites, PsyD, MS, MA, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania – Modeling Subjective Cognition in Older Adults: Correspondence of cognitive complaints with wellbeing, mood symptoms, and cognitive performance

Utibe Essien, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles – Achieving Pharmacoequity in Older Adults with Atrial Fibrillation

Maria Roche-Dean, PhD. RN., Assistant Professor, Western Michigan University – Cognitive Impairment and Links in Care Network Characteristics

Mónika López Anuarbe, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics, Connecticut College – The Health Care Costs of Dementia for Mexicans and Mexican Americans in México and the United States


10 :30 AM – 10 :45 AM



10 :45 AM – 11 :30 AM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

National Coordinating Center Activities and Updates

Trish D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP RCMAR National Coordinating Center Contact PI, GSA

Blake Harris, MA, RCMAR National Coordinating Center Program Manager, GSA


11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

NIA Program Updates

Melissa Gerald, PhD, Program Official, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, NIA

Erin Harrell, PhD, Program Scientist, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, NIA


To view the slides from this presentation, please click this link


12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Salon IV


Lunch will be available for all attendees.

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

RCMAR Scientist Presentations:

RCMAR Scientist research presentations in a traditional research symposium format.

Maryam Zolnoori, PhD, Assistant Professor, Columbia University – A speech-processing algorithm for automatic screening of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early dementia (ED)

Natalia Giraldo Santiago, PhD, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital – “You get tired of saying, no this doesn’t work”: A qualitative study of chronic pain treatment experiences and preferences among Spanish-speaking Latino older adults

Tala Al-Rousan, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, University of California San Diego – Forced displacement and dementia risk: Research findings along the migratory route


1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

Mock Study Section:

Mock review of K and R01 grants with an opportunity for Q&A.

K Grant Review Panel:

SRO: Lisa Barnes, PhD, FGSA, RCMAR National Coordinating Center PI, Rush University

Chair: Tamara Baker, PhD, FGSA, RCMAR National Coordinating Center P, University of North Carolina

Reviewer 1: Ana Maria-Vranceanu, PhD, Founding Director, Massachusetts General Hospital

Reviewer 2: William Hu, MD, PhD, FAAN, Co-Director, RCASIA, Associate Professor, Rutgers University

Reviewer 3: Ryan Mace, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Massachusetts General Hospital


R01 Grant Review Panel:

SRO: Lisa Barnes, PhD, FGSA, RCMAR National Coordinating Center PI, Rush University

Chair: Tamara Baker, PhD, FGSA, RCMAR National Coordinating Center P, University of North Carolina

Reviewer 1: Gladys Maestre, MD, PhD, Director, UTRGV RCMAR, Professor, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Reviewer 2: Amanda Woodward, PhD, Co-Director of MCUAAAR, Professor, Michigan State University

Reviewer 3: Homero del Pino, PhD, MA, MSc – Associate Professor, University of California Los Angeles

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM


3:15 PM – 4:45 PM

Salon VI

RCMAR Scientist and NIA Staff Networking:

Current and former RCMAR Scientists will have the chance to meet and have their questions answered by NIA staff. Scientists are encouraged to come prepared with questions, or submit them ahead of time to rcmarncc@nullgeron.org

3:15 – 4:45 PM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

Cross Center Networking:

Center PI’s and staff will have the chance to network with one another, sharing tips and learning best practices on how to establish and manage a RCMAR Center.

4:45 PM – 5:00 PM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

Closing Remarks

Trish D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP RCMAR National Coordinating Center Contact PI, GSA

5:00 PM



Day 3 | Friday, June 28

7:30 AM – 7:50 AM

Salon IV


Breakfast will be available for all attendees.

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Salon IV

Poster Session:

Current and former RCMAR Scientists will present posters on their research.

Kendra Ray, PhD, MPH, MBA, Research Assistant Professor, New York University – Evaluating the use of music-assisted caregiving interventions by certified nursing assistants caring for nursing home residents with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and depressive symptoms

Michelle Chen, PhD, Neuropsychologist, Rutgers University – Longitudinal cognitive trajectories in older U.S. Chinese: dissociating racial, cultural, and environmental influences

Jesus Melgarejo, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley – Impact of social determinants of health on vascular dysregulation and brain MRI markers of Alzheimer’s disease

Coralia Vazquez-Otero, PhD, MPH, JD Assistant Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio – Older Hispanic women’s views on self-sampling for HPV testing-based cervical cancer screening: preliminary findings from women living in San Antonio, TX. Citation: Vázquez-Otero, C., Cordova, A., Pedraza, R., Baglini, S., and Ramírez, A.G. (2024)

David Lee, MD, MBA, Clinical Instructor, Post-doctoral Fellow, University of California Los Angeles – Identifying Implementation Factors for the Adoption, Adaptation, and Sustainment of a Comprehensive Dementia Care Program

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

RCMAR Scientist Presentations:

RCMAR Scientist research presentations in a traditional research symposium format.


Marion Malcome, PhD, LCSW, Assistant Professor, Loyola University Chicago – Black Mothers’ Racial Socialization Practices in Response to the Racial Uprisings of 2020

Shana Stites, PsyD, MS, MA, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania – Impact of Metacognition on Quality of Life in Alzheimer’s Disease Care

Jesus Melgarejo, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Impact of social determinants of health on vascular dysregulation and brain MRI markers of Alzheimer’s disease


10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

Mentoring for Mentors:  

A panel will address key topics relevant to developing mentoring skills.

Robert Taylor, PhD – Co-Director, MCUAAAR, Harold Johnson Endowed Professor, University of Michigan

Denise Dillard, PhD, MS, Co-Director of IREACH, Professor in the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

Marion Malcome PhD, LCSW, Assistant Professor, Loyola University Chicago

Eron Manusov, MD, Director Transformational Science, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


11:00 AM – 11:15



Scientist Posters will be available for viewing in the back of Salon IV.

11:15 AM – 1:30 PM

Salon VI

Exclusively available for current and former RCMAR Scientsts.

RCMAR Scientist Networking and Lunch

Lunch will be provided in Salon VI at 12pm.

11:15 AM – 1:30 PM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

RCMAR VI Evaluation and Common Metrics and Lunch:

Northeastern University Public Evaluation Lab (NU-PEL) will lead a discussion on RCMAR VI common metrics. Lunch will be provided in Salon IV at 12pm.

1:30 PM – 2:00 PM

Salon IV

Available on Zoom

Closing Remarks and Reflections

Trish D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP RCMAR National Coordinating Center Contact PI, GSA

2:00 PM



Meet the Presenters for the 2024 RCMAR Annual Meeting

Check back here as presentation materials are uploaded to this webpage.

Opening Plenary

Amy Kelley, MD, M.S.H.S., Deputy Director, NIA


Data Blitz


Marianne Chanti-Ketterl, PhD, MSPH, Assistant Professor, Duke University – The EXPRESS Study: Studying Brain Health in Lumbee Tribe Territory



Janet Chu, MD, MPH, MAS, Assistant Professor, University of California San Francisco – Elucidating individual and neighborhood factors associated with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD)


Dana Alhasan, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte- Arab Americans Perception of their Neighborhood Environment in relation to Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Risk

Charles Windon, MD, Assistant Professor, University of California San Francisco- Residential Neighborhood Disadvantage and Amyloid Positivity: Findings from IDEAS

Tony Pham MD, MScGH, Psychiatrist, Massachusetts General Hospital – Culturally Adapting mindfulness based cognitive therapy for Black older adults with comorbid early cognitive decline and chronic pain: Preliminary Results from the Community Engagement Studio


Alexander Presciutti, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School – Development of a group lifestyle intervention for cardiac arrest survivors with subjective cognitive decline and their caregivers – Healthy Brains after Cardiac Arrest (HB-CA)


Shana Stites, PsyD, MS, MA, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania – Modeling Subjective Cognition in Older Adults: Correspondence of cognitive complaints with wellbeing, mood symptoms, and cognitive performance


Utibe Essien, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles – Achieving Pharmacoequity in Older Adults with Atrial Fibrillation



Maria Roche-Dean, PhD. RN., Assistant Professor, Western Michigan University – Cognitive Impairment and Links in Care Network Characteristics



Mónika López Anuarbe, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics, Connecticut College – The Health Care Costs of Dementia for Mexicans and Mexican Americans in México and the United States



Maryam Zolnoori, PhD, Assistant Professor, Columbia University – A speech-processing algorithm for automatic screening of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early dementia (ED)

Natalia Giraldo Santiago, PhD, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital – “You get tired of saying, no this doesn’t work”: A qualitative study of chronic pain treatment experiences and preferences among Spanish-speaking Latino older adults


Tala Al-Rousan, MD, MPH, University of California San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology – Forced displacement and dementia risk: Research findings along the migratory route 

Marion Malcome, PhD, LCSW, Assistant Professor, Loyola University Chicago – Black Mothers’ Racial Socialization Practices in Response to the Racial Uprisings of 2020



Shana Stites, PsyD, MS, MA, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania – Impact of Metacognition on Quality of Life in Alzheimer’s Disease Care



Jesus Melgarejo, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Impact of social determinants of health on vascular dysregulation and brain MRI markers of Alzheimer’s disease



NIA Program Updates

Melissa Gerald, PhD, Program Official, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, NIA

Erin Harrell, PhD, Program Scientist, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, NIA


Mock Study Section

K Grant Review Panel

SRO: Lisa Barnes, PhD, FGSA, RCMAR National Coordinating Center PI, Rush University




Chair: Tamara Baker, PhD, FGSA, RCMAR National Coordinating Center P, University of North Carolina




Reviewer 1: Ana Maria-Vranceanu, PhD, REC Lead, Mass-ENVISION Associate Professor of Psychology Harvard Medical School

Reviewer 2: William Hu, MD, PhD, FAAN, Co-Director, RCASIA, Associate Professor, Rutgers University

Reviewer 3: Ryan Mace, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Massachusetts General Hospital


R01 Grant Review Panel

SRO: Lisa Barnes, PhD, FGSA, RCMAR National Coordinating Center PI, Rush University




Chair: Tamara Baker, PhD, FGSA, RCMAR National Coordinating Center P, University of North Carolina




Reviewer 1: Gladys Maestre, MD, PhD, Director, UTRGV RCMAR, Professor, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Reviewer 2: Amanda Woodward, PhD, Co-Director of MCUAAAR, Professor, Michigan State University

Reviewer 3: Homero del Pino, PhD, MA, MSc – Associate Professor, University of California Los Angeles



Mentoring for Mentors Panel

Robert Taylor, PhD – Co-Director, MCUAAAR, Harold Johnson Endowed Professor, University of Michigan

Denise Dillard, PhD, MS, Co-Director of IREACH, Professor in the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

Marion Malcome PhD, LCSW, Assistant Professor, Loyola University Chicago

Eron Manusov, MD, Director Transformational Science, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Poster Presentations

Kendra Ray, PhD, MPH, MBA, Research Assistant Professor, New York University – Evaluating the use of music-assisted caregiving interventions by certified nursing assistants caring for nursing home residents with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and depressive symptoms

Michelle Chen, PhD, Neuropsychologist, Rutgers University – Longitudinal cognitive trajectories in older U.S. Chinese: dissociating racial, cultural, and environmental influences

Jesus Melgarejo, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley – Impact of social determinants of health on vascular dysregulation and brain MRI markers of Alzheimer’s disease

Coralia Vazquez-Otero, PhD, MPH, JD Assistant Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio – Older Hispanic women’s views on self-sampling for HPV testing-based cervical cancer screening: preliminary findings from women living in San Antonio, TX. Citation: Vázquez-Otero, C., Cordova, A., Pedraza, R., Baglini, S., and Ramírez, A.G. (2024)

David Lee, MD, MBA, Clinical Instructor, Post-doctoral Fellow, University of California Los Angeles – Identifying Implementation Factors for the Adoption, Adaptation, and Sustainment of a Comprehensive Dementia Care Program


NU-PEL  Evaluation & Common Metrics

Wendy Friedman, PhD

Senior Evaluator and Faculty Steering Committee Member


Day 2: RCMAR Annual Meeting: Morning Session

7:30 AM – 12:00 PM – THURSDAY, June 27th

  • Opening Plenary with Dr. Amy Kelley
  • Data Blitz Presentations
  • National Coordinating Center Activities and Updates
  • NIA Program Updates

Click here to join!

Day 2: RCMAR Annual Meeting: Scientist Presentation & Mock Study

12:30 PM – 3:00 PM – THURSDAY, June 27th

  • Scientist Presentation
  • Mock Study Section

Click here to join!

Day 2: RCMAR Annual Meeting: Cross Center Networking

3:15 PM – 5:00 PM – THURSDAY, June 27th

Click here to join!


Day 2: RCMAR Annual Meeting: RCMAR Scientist and NIA Staff Networking

3:15 PM – 5:00 PM – THURSDAY, June 27th

Only current and former RCMAR Scientists are invited to attend.

Click here to join!



Day 3: RCMAR Annual Meeting: Morning Session

8:00 AM – 11:00 AM – FRIDAY, June 28th

  • Scientist Presentation
  • Mentoring for Mentors

Click here to join!


Day 3: RCMAR Annual Meeting: RCMAR VI Evaluation & Common Metrics (Center Directors Only)

11:20 AM – 1:30 PM – FRIDAY, June 28th

Click here to join!

A special thank you to our Planning Committee who volunteered their valuable time and knowledge to ensure that this Annual Meeting will be the best experience for all attendees.


                            Meet our Planning Committee


Janet Chu, MD, MPH, MAS 

Dr. Janet Chu is an Assistant Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She works as a primary care physician and health services researcher. She is passionate about understanding and addressing the impact of multilevel social determinants of health that drive and perpetuate cancer disparities. Her research focuses on using implementation science to improve care and outcomes for diverse and underserved patients. She is a current Scientist in the Center for Aging in Diverse Communities. Her project aims to examine the association of sociodemographic, behavioral, clinical, and neighborhood social and built environment attributes with prevalence, progression, and outcomes of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) among a racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse cohort of older adults. 

Olivia Okereke, MD 

Dr. Okereke is Terry and Jean de Gunzburg MGH Research Scholar 2021-2026, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She is Director of Geriatric Psychiatry and Director of the MGH Psychiatry Center for Racial Equity and Justice in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and she is Principal Investigator/Director of the Mass-ENVISION Alzheimer’s RCMAR. For the past 15 years, Dr. Okereke has been an NIH-funded investigator focusing on modifiable risk factors and prevention of adverse mental aging, including late-life depression, cognitive decline, and dementia, and reduction of health disparities in aging.

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD, MS 

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD, MS, is a Professor in the Department of Health, Behavior, and Society, Founding Director of the Program of Men’s Health Research in the Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions (HCHDS), Deputy Director of HCHDS, and Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He holds joint appointments in the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology in the Department of Medicine, and the Department of Neurology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and the Department of Sociology at the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences at Johns Hopkins University.

Soham Al Snih, MD, PhD

Dr. Al Snih is a Professor in the Department of Population Health and Health Disparities at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. She is also Assistant Dean for Doctorate Foundational Curriculum, director of Rehabilitation Sciences Graduate Program and a senior fellow of the Sealy Center on Aging. Dr. Al Snih has more than 20 years of experience in conducting research in Hispanic older adults, with emphasis on older Mexican Americans. Her research examines health outcomes using large datasets focusing on functional outcomes, muscle strength, disability, frailty, and health disparities in older adults. Dr. Al Snih has mentored over 50 graduate students (MS and PhD), medical students, fellows, visiting scholars, and junior faculties.

Please share your thoughts with us about the meeting by filling out this survey! This survey will be used to plan the 2025 Annual Meeting!

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