Scientist Highlight: Eleanor Murphy, PhD (AD CIRAD)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Eleanor Murphy, PhD, who became a Columbia Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Alzheimer’s Disease Disparities (CIRAD) RCMAR Scientist in 2018. Her research interests center on genetic and environmental risk factors for mood and anxiety disorders, and mental health disparities among minority groups. Some of Dr. Murphy’s recent research and…
Scientist Highlight: Ana C. Leandro, PhD (AD URTGV RCMR)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Ana. C. Leandro, PhD, who became an AD University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) RCMAR Scientist in 2019. Dr. Leandro’s research focus and expertise is in the molecular and functional aspects of gene identification for complex diseases. Dr. Leandro is involved in several projects where she manages…
Scientist Highlight: Andrea Henderson-Platt, PhD (AD CCADMR RCMAR)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Andrea Henderson-Platt, PhD, who became a Carolina Center on Alzheimer’s Disease and Minority Research (CCADMR) RCMAR Scientist in 2018. Dr. Henderson-Platt’s research focuses on the influence of psychosocial resources in contemporary health and family life. She is particularly interested in the role of religion among minoritized populations, especially…
Scientist Highlight: Laura Cabrera, PhD (AD MCCFAD)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Laura Cabrera, PhD, who became a Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease (MCCFAD) RCMAR Scientist in 2018. Dr. Cabrera joined the faculty as an Assistant Professor in the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences and the Department of Translational Neuroscience at the Michigan State University…
Scientist Highlight: Nasim Baghban Ferdows, PhD (AD USC RCMAR)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Nasim Baghban Ferdows, PhD, who became an AD USC Minority Aging Health Economics Research Center RCMAR Scientist in 2019. Dr. Ferdows is a health economist with multidisciplinary training in gerontology and health services research. With a background in mathematics and economics, she possesses a wide range of analytical skills…
Scientist Highlight: Jasmine Travers, PhD, (CICADA RCMAR)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Jasmine Travers, PhD, who became a Center for Improving Care Delivery for the Aging (CICADA) RCMAR Scientist in 2018. Dr. Travers is an assistant professor at New York University College of Nursing. Dr. Travers pilot project focus on the differences in psychosocial, mental health, and medical health outcomes…
Scientist Highlight: Cara Carty (AD-NAD RCMAR)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Cara Carty, PhD who became a Native Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (AD-NAD RCMAR) Scientist in 2019. Dr. Carty is an Assistant Research Professor at Washington State University, Department of Health Sciences. As a member of the IREACH Methods Core, she has expertise in statistical methods…
Scientist Highlight: Rafael Samper-Ternent (UTMB)
In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Rafael Samper-Ternent, MD, PhD, who became a Texas RCMAR, at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB RCMAR) Scientist in 2019. Dr. Samper-Ternet is an Assistant Professor at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Department of Internal Medicine. His main areas of interest are resilience…