Scientist Highlight: Andrea Henderson-Platt, PhD (AD CCADMR RCMAR)

Scientist Highlight: Andrea Henderson-Platt, PhD (AD CCADMR RCMAR)

In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we feature Andrea Henderson-Platt, PhD, who became a Carolina Center on Alzheimer’s Disease and Minority Research (CCADMR) RCMAR Scientist in 2018. Dr. Henderson-Platt’s research focuses on the influence of psychosocial resources in contemporary health and family life.  She is particularly interested in the role of religion among minoritized populations, especially Black Americans, in the face of major life events, stress and racial discrimination.  To address this line of inquiry her work uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches, and takes an interdisciplinary focus including perspectives from critical theory, social psychology, and public health.  

Learn more about Dr. Henderson-Platt.

Visit the Carolina Center on Alzheimer’s Disease and Minority Research’s website.

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