Scientist Highlight: Burel Goodin (Deep South)

Scientist Highlight: Burel Goodin (Deep South)

In this week’s Scientist Highlights, we congratulate Burel Goodin, PhD, who became a Deep South Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) Scientist in 2013, for being awarded the Provost’s Award for Faculty Excellence from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Goodin is known for offering undergraduates opportunities to get hands-on research experience and invest themselves in projects, actively ensuring students work directly with study participants in critical ways. He also creates fun and relaxed, yet productive and successful lab environments that promote open dialogue and friendship among students, many of whom he mentors personally.

Learn more about Dr. Goodin’s award and work.

Visit the Deep South Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) Center website.

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